Community Guidelines
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A1 is an open community for UGC (User Generated Content) app creation and sharing. To ensure the platform is accessible and welcomed by the broadest range of users, content must comply with local policies and regulations.
Be kind and respectful to each other. Do not create images or apps that are inherently disrespectful, aggressive, or otherwise offensive. Any form of violence or harassment is not tolerated.
No adult or gory content. Please avoid creating visually shocking or disturbing content. We will automatically block certain text inputs.
Do not publicly repost others' creations without their permission.
Be cautious when sharing. You can share your creations outside the A1 community, but consider how others might view your content.
Any violation of these rules may lead to the disabling of your account, resulting in the loss of the right to use the product services.
These rules apply to all content, and we will periodically update the community guidelines.