Payment lssues

Every AI application in the A1 community can be run for free, but if you need higher quality, watermark-free images, you will need to consume computing power to refine the images. We gift each user with 10 computing power. You can obtain more computing power through a subscription plan.

Subscription Plans

A1 offers two subscription levels. There is a 20% discount for annual subscriptions paid yearly. Each subscription plan includes the use of A1's refining services to obtain higher definition, better quality, watermark-free image results.

Explanation,The computing power obtained each month cannot be accumulated, please use it up within the month. Any unused computing power will become invalid the following month.

How to Subscribe

Go to the A1 product homepage, click to view computing power, click 'upgrade', select your payment method, complete the payment, and your subscription will be successful.

Plan comparison

Payment Methods

Currently, we only accept payment methods supported by Stripe: credit or debit cards issued byService provider. such as Mastercard, VISA, or American Express. Stripe is a PCI Level 1 service provider, which is the most stringent certification level in the payment industry.

Cancel subscription

You can cancel your subscription for the next cycle at any time. After cancellation, you will no longer enjoy the related benefits for the following month. However, the benefits already granted for the current month can continue to be enjoyed and used.

For any questions, send us an email at, and we will respond within 2 business days.

Last updated